How is your year so far?
We are mid way through January already and the past couple of weeks have flown by. Many of us began the new year with goals and resolutions for the year ahead. But now, at this point in the month reality kicks in and maybe some of those dreams have been forgotten with every day life taking over. The key for these goals to succeed is to ensure you set attainable tasks so you can feel accomplished when you achieve them. So if your wish is to get in shape and lose weight don’t be overly ambitious about it and think “I will be up at 6am every day and work out for 2 hours every day and go to the gym!”. Instead a more achievable goal would be to set a goal of working out 3 or 4 times a week and if you can’t make the gym, then why not invest in equipment at home so you can fit the workouts in around your schedule when it suits your lifestyle.
Over the years we have been privilege to have worked along side Pull up Mate who are a fantastic British Fitness equipment manufacturer. They produce top quality Dip stations which have massive versatility not only for home use but it has an easy clip assembly mechanism to allow quick assembly so portable to any location.
Having working on their official website photography we have seen in person how amazing this vital piece of kit can be. The range of exercises that can be performed on the Pull Up Mate is extensive, from chin ups, tricep dips, wipers for the abs, push ups, and the list goes on and on. We were exhausted just watching the fitness crew perform the moves whilst we worked on the shots but it really showcased how a Pull Up Mate can be a sure fire way of keeping fit.
When embarking on a fitness journey it can be baffling. But whether its flexibility, endurance, strength raining or calisthenics the pull up mate will deliver whichever genre of fitness you want to get started in. Not only great for fitness, this working out is also a great way to release the happy hormones and endorphins to help with mental health, stress, depression and anxiety which after being survivors of a major historical event like the pandemic we all need.
Alongside the actual equipment products, Pull Up Mate also offer a downloadable training and diet plan. AKA Pull Up Mate X. This plan is a fab aid to anyone”s training program. With amazing recipes for macro balanced meals plans it is full of the correct portions, carbs and is also low in fats.
How do we know this? Well we also worked hand in hand with Pull up mate to create the food styling and and the food photography so you can see photos of how appetising the meals look when prepared.

We are so happy to have worked with such an amazing company and super happy to give them a shout out. If you want to enhance your fitness goals check out the Pull Up Mates website .
If you have a commercial photography project for your website or e:commerce business why not contact us
We are always to hear about your project and help you attain the imagery to showcase your brand.